About me

I’m an associate professor at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in the Machine Learning for Smart Mobility (MLSM) group, where my research is primarily focused on machine learning models for understanding and optimizing urban mobility and human behaviour. Previously, I was a H.C. Ørsted / Marie-Skłodowska Curie Actions (COFUND) postdoctoral fellow, also at DTU, working on spatio-temporal models of mobility demand with emphasis on modelling uncertainty and the effect of special events. I hold a PhD from University of Coimbra (Portugal), during which I worked on probabilistic models for learning from crowdsourced data.

My research interests include:

  • Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
  • Crowdsourcing and Learning from Crowds
  • Probabilistic Graphical Models and Bayesian inference
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems and Urban Mobility

E-mail: rodr [at] dtu.dk – Google ScholarGitHub

Selected publications: