- Amortized-MXL: Scaling Bayesian Inference of Mixed Multinomial Logit Models to Very Large Datasets
- CrowdLayer: Deep Learning from Crowdsourced Labels
- DCM-ARD: Bayesian ARD for Utility Function Specification in Discrete Choice Models
- DeepJMQR: Deep Joint Mean and Quantile Regression for Spatio-Temporal Problems
- CAREL: Callback-based Reinforcement Learning framework for traffic signal control
- MA-sLDAc: Multi-Annotator Supervised LDA for Classification
- MA-sLDAr: Multi-Annotator Supervised LDA for Regression
- LogReg-Crowds: Logistic Regression from Crowds
- GPC-MA: Gaussian Process Classification with Multiple Annotators
- CRF-MA: Sequence Labeling with Multiple Annotators